Just Friends Webcomic
"An awkward new girl and an anti social loner become friends as they try and navigate a complicated high school life."
In 2016, I made a webcomic inspired by my own feelings following a weird middle school break-up. In many ways,
this webcomic was a kind of therapy for me. The original first chapter was a hand-drawn comic based on my listlessness following said break-up. The rest was simply expanding upon that first chapter.
In 2019, I tried to "revamp" the webcomic. As a freshman at university, I felt I had out grown the original webcomic's direction a (like an idiot) decided to redraw the entire series. Stupidly, I deleted all of the original run of comics and began posting a new version of my webcomic, one with a "more thought out story" and "better art".
In the end, I stopped posting, partially because I started working, but also because I couldn't relate to the characters or the story anymore. By 2023, I had graduated college and hadn't seriously dated anyone in years. Not to mention, I still resented the quality of my art. Maybe some day I'll return to making new chapters and finish what I started...